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BANG OR DIE The Movie Directed by Mutazz “MaxAmillz” Chenery

Bang or Die by MaxAmillz up in Anchorage Alaska, Assistant Director Bryan “Muhnee” Leiser. Over here at Gangsta Flix we were surprised to find a Hood Movie coming outta Alaska. If you’ve never visited Anchorage here’s some sats , Anchorage sits on the North West Coast of North America, with Canada as its eastern Neighbor. The Anchorage Metro Area has an estimated population of almost 400,000 as of 2019, accounting for more than half of Alaska’s residents. We all know Alaska is cold for the most part so we don’t need to talk about the weather but we hear the summers are nice. Demographically African Americans account for only 5.6% of the population and we all know why, its too dam cold! However there seems to be a few Hood Soldiers holding it down. This cold Gangsta Movie has the makings of a Hood Classic, watch the lead character MaxAmillz try to get back on his feet after 7 years of being locked down. Problem is the past can find a way to sneak up on you when you least expect.

Our take on this Urban Movie: 4 Guns up! Good job brothers! Camera action, “real nig” actors, editing, street authenticity and tracks make “Bang or Die” a good watch. Grab your jays and some munchies. You can find more from Akaftadark using this link:

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